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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cambodia will defend its territories and will not lose 1 single mm –sic! – It shows that Hun Sen’s parrot Phay Siphan never travels to the Viet border


Phay Siphan, spokesman [and parrot] of the Council of Ministers, declared during a press conference held on 15 July 2009, on the occasion of the first anniversary of Thai troops invasion in Wat Keo Sekha Kiri Svarak Pagoda, that the Cambodian government led by Samdach Dek Cho Hun Sen is determined to protect Cambodia’s territorial integrity, and that not a single millimeter of land will be lost. Cambodia will strive to defend and preserve Preah Vihear temple which is a World Heritage site. On the other hand, Cambodia still maintains its stance of resolving the border dispute with Thailand through bilateral and peaceful means, based on the respect of sovereignty and based on the spirit of countries that have civilized culture. Phay Siphan indicated that the registration of the Preah Vihear temple by Cambodia was not the cause of Thailand’s aggression, but that this aggression is a long-term plan of Thailand on Cambodian territory. However, the presence of Thai troops on Cambodian lands since 15 July 2008 is solely due to the internal dispute in Thailand.

Phay Siphan, Hun Sen's parrot (Photo: DAP-news)



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