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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kith Meng starts work on island airport

Royal Group has unveiled plans to build an airport on Koh Rong, the Kingdom's largest island, in Preah Sihanouk province.
Company Chairman Kith Meng confirmed the development plan. But speaking from Koh Rong, a 7,800-hectare island, he said Tuesday he could not provide further details.

"I am here [on Koh Rong] to build an airport.... I brought 40 bulldozers with me to clear the land to build a road," he said.

Other than the airport, Kith Meng said the project would see construction of an electricity and water supply that islanders could sign up to. Kith Meng said he travelled to Koh Rong with a dozen local tycoons including Phu Kok An, a casino operator and senator from the ruling Cambodian People's Party.

Phu Kok An confirmed the businessmen had viewed the site and pronounced himself "quite interested" in investing.

Youn Heng, deputy director at the Cambodian Investment Board's evaluation and incentives department, said the Council for the Development of Cambodia last year granted Royal Group a 99-year concession.

"He [Kith Meng] is currently clearing the forest, and we know he plans to build an airport," said Youn Heng, adding that Royal Group also planned a resort on the island.

Mark Hanna, chief financial officer at Royal Group, told the Post last month the firm "will certainly be looking to go deeper in the transportation and logistics industries as they dovetail with and complement our existing operations"


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