While posting a contrast of lifestyle in Cambodia, Heng Soy managed to irritate and rankle quite a few of KI-Media's Readers. One Reader posted:
KI[-Media],Here is Heng Soy's reply:
You play a very dirty game, a great divider is KI[-Media].
Where are the thousand pictures of King Sihanouk and his wife feed their people? Where are the pictures of King Sihamoni built homes for his poor people?
Offering food and fake money to the spirits and through Monks are Asian cultures and Khmers are ones of the Asians.
Wonder, Heng Soy is one of Yuon Hanoi's spy, a great divider?
Respected Reader,
If I am a "Yuon Hanoi's spy" as you alleged, please just wait and see by the end of this month. If you happen to see a photo of Samdech Ta shaking my hand during his visit to Hanoi, then yes, I would be guilty as charged, but if you don't, what's next?
No offense,
Heng Soy
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