Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has dropped his plan to visit Cambodia, Noppadon Pattama, a legal adviser to the Shinawatra family, said on Friday.“Previously, Thaksin had planned to visit Cambodia from Jan 15 to 17, but he has scrapped the plan. He will visit another country in Asia instead," Mr Noppadon said.
Asked about Cambodian foreign minister's statement that Thaksin would visit Phnom Penh this month, Mr Noppadon said he had no idea.
“It is not necessary for Thaksin to stay near Thailand. The world now has no frontiers and the former prime minister can push his political cause from anywhere, if he wants to,” he said.
Thaksin did not want to incite violence and was just fighting for justice and democracy, he added.
“Thaksin has not threatened the bureaucrats. He just wants to make it known that without democracy and justice there will be no peace in the country,” Mr Noppadon said.
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